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AB9LE/m - I went mobile but didn't announce as I didn't know with certainty if I would have the day free. As it was I was able to go work some county lines from 1400-2330. I was in TIPP, WHTE, BEN, WARN and FOU. I had my old IC-735, tuner, mono band 40m and was monitoring 146.49 and pinging APRS with the KW TM-D700A. Didn't make a lot of Q's, but had fun! This is the second time I've been mobile and each time the setup gets better and the scores a little higher. Just for grins I put up 10m for awhile and worked some of the local fellows. Then later in the afternoon there was an opening, but since no one thinks of 10m, no one was listening or trying to work. Maybe some planned time slots for 10m to get tech phone ops next year? AE8M/m - 40M antenna was a Lakeview Hamstick mounted on the roof of a Honda Accord. 20M and 80M coverage was provided by alternating Hamsticks on the trunk lid. It was difficult to tune the Hamstick on 80M and virtually impossible on 75M, a fault of the mounting location and technique rather than the Hamstick. The rig was a K2 with the 100W amp and tuner mounted in the trunk. Activity seemed very good both in-state and out-of-state. I doubled the number of Q’s over last year, and increased the multipliers by 28. I did manage to work 5 other IN mobiles (KJ9C, AJ9C, WN9O, N9JF & N9LF) but only worked each of them once. My only regret from the contest is not working the notorious WB9CIF/M. DL4FN - Station Icom IC-7400, 100W, dipole (Germany) DL5AWI - The condx was not the best. Congrats to the fast CW operators from Indiana! Much QRM from RTTY on 40m. Hope to be working more stations next year. (Germany) HA2MN - It has been nice to come back this year. The propagation was so poor that only one IN station was heard and finally logged. Many thanks for Qs, see you next year! Rig TS-530SP 100 W into a end-fed 21 mtrs long wire above flat roof. (Hungary) K0GEO - Thanks Hoosiers ! (Texas) K3TW - "Thanks for a great QSO Party. I especially enjoyed working the mobile and Special Event stations." (Maryland) K4CFQ - G5RV antenna (Florida) K7RFW - Yaesu FT897D, 20 foot high 130 foot delta loop a Battery, and the N8XJK 12 Volt Boost Regulator. Poor propagation to the Midwest from home, not many stations picked up there. (Utah) K9FN (second operator at N9FN) - On the plus side... I only sent K9FN once or twice all contest, while the SSB op at N9FN sometimes thought we were in Warren & Clinton county. I am curious to know how many counties were active that N9FN did NOT work. (Note - ALL 92 counties were on the air) (Warren/Tippecanoe) K9FOH - 4 SSB QSOs 45 CW QSOs 18 counties 14 states (Tippecanoe Co) K9NX - I got on running my QRP K2 a few hours late for the contest after trying to find some connectors. There was one station I found CQing on 10 meters, worked him, and the last station I worked was Jim WT9U on 40 meters about 0230z. Jim had a very good signal on 40 late I wish more Indiana stations were on 40 meters later in the evening. Made about 70 Q’s. (Hancock Co) K9RM - This is the first time I operated this contest. Sorry I didn't have much time to put in. (Johnson Co) K9WX - My third year operating from Benton County, and I am glad to say that the wind farms did not seem to generate any significant RF problems. However, I had 2 different Indiana stations (both on phone) reject my "BEN" report and tell me they needed my state instead. I know it's a small county population-wise but..... I had 145 QSOs with stations that gave me either a 7QP or an NEQP exchange. We often discuss whether or not we hold the INQP on the "right" weekend. A lot of those stations will probably not submit an INQP log but I think a lot of those stations would not be on at all if we were on a different weekend and I appreciated the opportunity to work them. Last year I had 47 QSOs with Indiana stations out of 305 total QSOs. This year I had 82 Indiana QSOs out of 317 total Q's. I worked some counties I have never worked before. If that means in-state activity was up, then we are headed in the right direction. Now, if the economy and stock market would just do the same. Antenna was a vertical (Benton) K9ZF/p - Portable in Washington and Scott counties. Running 100 watts to wire dipoles in the trees. (Washington/Scott Co) KA5VZG - Carolina Windom used on 80 & 40, A3 used on 20 & 15 (Tennessee) KB9BVN - Ran 10 Watts to the Attic Dipole - Had fun hope to do it again next year.(Johnson Co) KB9YGD - I had a ball although 40m just wasn’t any good till after dark. I started out and for the most part stayed between 3.804 and 3.808. I would have liked to do 40m but it’s not been any good for several years now in the day time, but I’m surprised how well you can do on 80m in the day if both hams have decent stations, antennas, etc. The QSL cards have been rollin` in and I just love it; I got 7 yesterday and 3 the day before and this is wonderful not only for me but many new ops who need IN for award credit. (Lake Co) KC4MYV - not enough time because I work nights (Florida) KC9GGV - Simple dipole at 17 feet. (Allen Co) KC9MTG - SINGLE-OP relegated to check log, due to incomplete exchange etc (Monroe Co) KD8IZZ - I did fairly well from Ohio. 26 QSOs and 22 unique counties, all on 40 and 80 meter phone. I was able to play on the radio only 6 hours or so, had to bush hog the big field. This was from rare Meigs county Ohio, in case you are a county hunter. Used a Hustler 4BTV and an 80 meter dipole. I listened and even CQ'd on 160 meters but no luck. (Ohio) KE7DX - Worked 7QP/NEQP/INQP/MARAC from within Bryce Canyon National Park this year, on the Kane/Garfield Utah County Line. The rain and hail delayed my antenna deployment, but, once done, enjoyed the contest despite the adverse weather. As usual, found plenty of New England folks in their contest. Seemed like Indiana folks were participating this year, as well. Once the rain cleared, beautiful scenery of the National Park. Hope to see you in the Arizona QSO Party this fall! (Utah) KI4BXU - Operated from Westmoreland State Park, Montross VA (Westmoreland County) - 20 M - SuperAntennas YP3, 40 M - wire dipole, 80 M - wire dipole (Virginia) KJ4AOM - tough conditions here...need that next ticket for 20m!! (Kentucky) KJ8O - 40 meter half-wave inverted V at 100 watts (Michigan) KJ9C - Counties activated = 22. As usual, this was a solo effort. Hamsticks for 20, 40, 80. Missed W9UUU and N9I .... Still no sweep of the 1x1 calls! Weather to the north half of the state was favorable; I even had to run the A/C to keep the laptop cool. Got 22 MPG in the 4-Runner, did not have to stop for gas in 355 miles of counties (505 miles total for the day = one really sore back). The K3 works GREAT as a mobile rig, and I will probably use it mobile again. KK9U - 100W into dipole @ 30 feet. Few IN stations heard...thanks! (Allen Co) KS9K - Spent more time with Excel and DOS EDIT trying to make valid Cabrillo file than I spent working the contest. Maybe I'll stick with the easy DX contests! Antennas: 80m - low temporary inverted vee. Antennas: 40-10 - stacked monobanders (Henry Co) KV9W - I was unannounced from Madison county. (Madison Co) KY6LA - Finally Worked Maine (California) N1NN - 2ND INDIANA QSO PARTY (Massachusetts) N4TZ/9 at KS9K - The 1's were sending 5 letter groups like MIDCT while the 7's were sending theirs like AZCHS. Meanwhile, the IN guys were often just sending their county names. (Note- there will be a slight change in IND county names for 2010) (Henry Co) N5HMH - I CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR QSO PARTY (Louisiana) N6KI - Decided to work 5 contests that were all occurring this weekend to liven things up! Logging turned out to be a real challenge so I used modified IARU module of my CT Logging program to log stations working NEQP, 7QP, INQP, ARI and MARAC ! ( Will let contest sponsors figure out my score ! (California) N7EIE - Only heard a few stations again, will try next year! (Washington) N8KR/aero mobile - Took off from Smith Field in Fort Wayne in my Cherokee 160. I trailed a 34 foot wire with a little red streamer/tail and ran an opposing 34 foot wire from the tail tie down to the wingtip to the top of the windshield. It loaded great on 40 meters using a small MFJ tuner while running an Alinco DX-70. The removable head was on the instrument panel while the rig and tuner were in the back seat. I had a foot switch for keying the rig and added a Heil boom microphone to my aviation headset. I kept the power out to 50 watts. Logging was by hand - the plane is just too bright for a laptop. I did bring along a J-38 key, but the afternoon bumps was not conducive to CW! Rate was great until I got to Fulton County and had a S-9 noise for about 5 minutes. When I turned west the rate fell. I was pleased to land with the trailing wire still intact! (previous experiments produced broken wires! I think the red streamer helped keep the wire from whipping.) This was my second attempt at HF aero mobile contesting - the first was the MI QSO party. I was up in the air for 1.5 hours. Next year I'll try to stay up longer (I burn 7 gallons of gas per hour) and try to figure out a way to work more Indiana stations. Perhaps later in the day??? N8MR/m - Last minute decision to enter as a mobile. Went from LaGrange to Spencer counties. 80 CW worked out best overall, by far. N9CQ/m - I ran Mobile in Hendricks, Putnam, and Montgomery counties. I had a late start. I finished up work @ 7:30 pm. and ran until 12:00 am, made 8 contacts most on 40 meters SSB, did not work any other Indiana stations. First time in the IN QSO Party and ran it from the truck. I am in retail so I work most weekends. I was thinking the activity would help prep for Field Day. N9FN/p - Station was Icom 756 Pro and SG-500 amp to half wave inverted V antennas with the center point at about 50 feet from the N9FN Mobile Ham shack. The 80 meter antenna ends were NW to SE, and the 40 meter antenna ends were NE to SW. Used the 80 dipole for 20 with the LDG-AT1000 tuner. Power supplied by a Honda EU-2000i generator. We spent most of our time CQing, so we just answered whoever called us! :-) (Warren-Tippecanoe Line) N9JF/m - My dominant thought on Saturday was, "Why am I driving through this nice birding area without stopping to look for birds?" (For those of you who don't know [most of you], I've been a birder longer than I've been a ham). Birding would have been a less-attractive distraction had there been more people calling me. I have reached the inescapable conclusion that I am just plain weak on forty meters, though I did make a few contacts on (gasp!) SSB and was told, "You have a good signal...for a mobile." That might qualify as a backhanded compliment? The mini-Tarheel that I am using on 40 has some problems and requires an external tuner; it looks like it's time to send it in for service. The 80 and 20 meter antennas are Hustlers on the trunk. I made no attempt to find anyone on 15 or 10 meters. I think 80 meters would have been productive throughout the day, but there was simply no one there until I got to the Vigo/Sullivan line at 2310Z. By then, signals were loud, and I was able to work everyone I called. Before that, I had called CQ on 80 several times in various counties and worked no one, nor had I heard another station on the band. When I reached that county line, I had been on the road exactly seven hours and had made a grand total of 127 contacts. During the next three and a half hours, I made another 80 contacts. Still not great but at least an improvement. Many of those were on 80 meters. I have had reservations in the past about the concept of sharing the weekend with three other contests; however, close to 90% of my QSOs were with stations who were either in 7-land or New England or actively working the MARAC test (and yes, I worked one ARI participant). This would have been a fun weekend to operate from home (in Illinois), as there were a LOT of stations to work. I picked up quite a few new band/counties and several new counties on CW, including the last one in Nevada. Several fixed stations (and a couple of mobiles) missed county multipliers as I tried in vain to get their attention. I can imagine that an S5 line noise for a mobile would be plenty to make me inaudible. I really did try.... Vanderburgh, Martin and Owen shared the designation of "pitiful effort" with five contacts from each, despite 21 minutes in VAN, 21 in MART and 22 in OWE. I did work more Indiana counties than last year and snagged all four of the 1x1's. From WARN and VER, I simply called the loudest stations I could hear, (some of whom heard me....) just to get someone in the log, then "got out of Dodge", arriving home at 0530Z. Driving, reading the map, operating and logging is too much for an old guy. If I do this again solo, I will likely just hand out contacts and not attempt to log and send in an entry. I had no "close calls" while driving, but it's an uncomfortable climate. All this was complicated by the fact that my navigation laptop has a bad boot sector, so I didn't dare leave the inverter off long enough for the battery to die. The inverter *had* to be off for me to hear signals on 20 meters. For certain, putting in almost 800 miles on my "day off" is akin to insanity. Rest assured that I appreciate the fact that some of you Hoosiers do the same for us each year in ILQP!!! All in all, it sounded like there was more activity than usual. I hope all 92 counties made it into a log somewhere! Antennas - defective mini-Tarheel for 40, Hustlers on the trunk for 80 and 20. N9NS (op at N9P) - Hey there is a basis for a new award. The county that has the most submissions, or highest total scores!! (Hamilton Co) N9P - I noticed the W7's were sending state first then county and the 1's were sending county first then state. Wonderful!! I ended up loading both ways into the keyer memory and used whichever one went with the stations call area. Conditions this year were the best I ever recall for this contest. We had short skip throughout the event. I worked stations in Chicago on 20 meters direct and I could actually hear Indiana mobiles on 40/80!! (Hamilton Co) N9SF - It was a good time for a first effort in this QSO party. The other two QSO party exchanges offered a challenge as their information was in different order and N1MM didn't like either. N9I, N9N, N9Q, & N9P were very active on 80 & 40. W9UUU answered my CQ late in the contest. (Hendricks Co) N9WEW - Antennas: Carolina Windom 80 & 5-band vertical. We (KB9JHU, N9WEW, and KG9BZ) operated a portable station in Brown County State Park. We picked a somewhat hidden shelter along a trail down the ridge from the fire tower, which sits on the third highest hill in Indiana. While the location was perfect, I think we underestimated the weight of our gear and what it would take to hike it in and back. Overall it was worth it. We ran the entire contest from a 112Ah marine battery, powering both of our rigs and an eeepc for logging. We had about 240 QSOs in the log, most of them SSB (~35 CW). 80m was the preferred band throughout the day with our setup, though contacts were made on 40 and 20, with 1 on 10m during a quick scan of the band. Last year when I operated from the K9IU shack, the local counties were difficult (though the setup makes for easy DX). Our portable setup was much more conducive to short hop, so chasing the counties was a lot of fun. We worked some stations on multiple bands, we got N9I, N9N, and N9P (no sign of N9Q), and W9UUU duped us 3 times by the end of the night. ;) Look forward to operating again next year! Some pic’s of our setup are at http://picasaweb.google.com/cshields/INQP2009# (excuse our mess, we focused on food and contesting, not on good housekeeping) (Brown Co) N9WVM - It started off slow than the bands opened and things picked up. Had a good time, did hear Indiana stations this year, last year I heard none (Wabash Co) N9WP - Kenwood TS-570 100 watts, Carolina Windom 80. (Boone Co) NA9L - My son and I both worked the INQP from Morgan Co at different QTH s. VERY GUD THIS YR, TNX TO ALL. I GOT ALL 4 1X1 CALLS AND W9UUU. ANT IS A G5RV (Morgan Co) VE4EAR - 3EL BEAM AT 50’ FOR 20M, 2 EL YAGI AT 60’ FOR 40M, ¼ SLOPER ON 80M (Manitoba) VE7FCO - Thanks for another great contest. Band conditions not the Greatest. Able to work All that I heard. (British Columbia) W1END - So many parties to join this weekend. I'm sure I missed a lot of fun. (New Hampshire) W1KDA - Poor Band Conditions - Great QSO Party - See You Next Year!!!!!! (Rhode Island) W2UDT - WAS ONLY ABLE TO PUT IN A PART-TIME EFFORT THIS YEAR. MUCH LOWER SCORE THAN IN THE PAST (New Jersey) W4AWF - Low Power - Wire Antenna (Georgia) W4JHU - Thanks for a great contest. (Virginia) W9ILF - I had a ball participating in the IN QSO party QRP! W9JOZ - (SCARC) G5RV AT 30FT. We had over 135 QSOs logged in the IN QSO party logger just for the W9JOZ call with no dupes. Over 215 QSOs including W9AL, N9QYK, KC9MRS, & WB9L's individual calls. 15 local hams came by to observe and help. It was a great success! (Starke Co) W9RAM - Antenna is a 40m Inverted-V @ 40ft (top). (Elkhart Co) W9THD - Antenna was 80 meter horizontal loop in a triangle configuration. Worked all 12 hours this year and had a good time. Probably should have spent some time on 20M early in the day to pick up some more states. Did increase my CW QSO count which really helped the score this year. Looking forward to 2010. (LaGrange Co) W9TN - (Portable in the woods of Bartholomew County) Things went great! I brought a can of fogger which I sprayed a few times around the car. It was also fairly cool, so I think that held the bugs down. I only saw a few small mosquitoes and got one bite. I did find a tick that had somehow managed to stay attached to my leg until Tuesday! That seems to be the only one. Mud was zero problem. I did about 350 Qs, about half CW. I had the rate meter up over 140 for a while. I think that was a personal best for a phone run. The 100+ rate tapered off after an hour and I went to 80. The dipole antennas worked great. I even had a few Qs on 15. I got some mults on 20, and of course most Qs were on 40 and 80. 20 was very short with OH and MI stations heard. I did have some noise on 80. I thought it was my generator (1kW Honda), so I moved it around with no success. That was during the day when signals were pretty light and all local. When I went back down there later as the band opened, the noise seemed to be gone. (Bartholomew Co) W9UUU - The Wabash Valley Amateur Radio Assn (W9UUU) is in the process of putting together a 2nd club station. The 2 locations are both in Terre Haute, about 1 mile apart. We managed to get the HF antennas installed at the new location a week before the INQP so that we could operate from both locations for the Bison Stampede held in conjunction with the INQP. The old station is located in the basement of the local Red Cross chapter and is equipped with a Ten-Tec Corsair and a Yaesu FT-990. The antennas are a tri-band beam and a B&W folded dipole. The rotor is broken, so the beam is permanently pointing to the northwest. The new station location is in a building owned by the Glas-Col Corporation. Glas-Col manufactures laboratory equipment & the company comptroller is our club president. The new station has an Icom IC756-ProII and a Yaesu FT-950. The antennas are a GAP Titan DX and a home-brew 160m off-center fed dipole. The dipole is not very high above the roof of the main manufacturing building, so it is probably a bit of a cloud-warmer. However, that should be just right for the INQP. Of course, after 20m shut down, the old club station dropped back to a 1 transmitter operation. The new club station was able to keep both rigs busy most of the time. Both locations shut down a little after 0500 UTC. We had reached the point where we had difficulty finding stations we had not already worked. Plus, we were getting tired. I do not have all of the logs yet, but the total number of Q's was just under 250, about 90 from the old station and a little over 150 from the new station. Virtually all Q's were on SSB. Next year we should be better set up for CW. Contacts were made on 20m, 40m, 80m, & 160m. When things got slow on 80m, I kept checking for activity on 160m & managed 3 or 4 Q's there. With the operation split between 2 different locations, there was no way to do dupe checking between the old & new stations. This led to our calling stations the other location had already worked. Sorry about that. We will see what we can do differently next year. Remember, if you worked W9UUU, the bonus points will be added to your score automatically during the log checking process. You do not have to claim them. If you submit your log to the INQP before the deadline, or if you send W9UUU a QSL card, you will receive an 8-1/2 x 11 certificate for working the Bison Stampede station. (Vigo Co) W9VP - All QSOs made with 100W or less - FT100D AND 80M WINDOM (Carroll Co) WA2LXE - Vertical antenna and 80M home made wire bazooka (New Jersey) WN9O/m - the WN9O Team is taking bids to see if any club needs 160K in points? First we want to thank everyone involved that helped sponsor or promote the INQP. We have a lot of people that make this event happen and this year I thought there was exceptional effort in the planning phase. Mel, KJ9C, deserves a big thanks for all the planning from mobile/portable to W7QP & NEQP coordination. W9UUU did a great job getting two stations on the air. Thanks to all the mobile and portable stations for getting on the air. Lastly a huge thanks to N9LF for all the effort in the scoring and log checking department. The WN9O operation started with plans to cover 12 to 14 counties. When some of the mobiles could not operate this year we expanded our operation to 19 counties (mostly NW Indiana). We started north of Kokomo and worked our way to the NW Indiana counties and then back down south thru the Benton County wind farms. Lastly we made our way back to Howard County to finish up. Our operation was from a Pontiac Van WT9U - No time to go mobile this year (not to mention just flat burnt out after MIQP). Played for about 5 hours once the yard work was done. (Elkhart Co) WW9R - I hope you all had as much fun as I did. State QSO Parties Rock! (Wisconsin) ZF2ZB - tried to work Indiana Stations from Cayman Islands but band was flooded with W7/K7 stations. (Cayman Islands) |