HDXCCthe Hoosier DX and Contest Club
W9PA Westfield
KR9U Fort Wayne
W9YB W Lafayette
WB9CIF Plainfield
Dave W9PA (ex-W9ZRX) installs and maintains DX clusters in Indiana and elsewhere in the midwest. Contact Dave if you are interested in sponsoring a cluster in your area. Several Indiana clusters support telnet access. Use the links at the left to access these clusters.
AR-Cluster Manual
AB5K's AR-ClusterŪ software powers many of the clusters in our area. AR-Cluster is Windows based and supports connectivity via RF and Internet links, enhanced spot filtering, multiple callbook databases, and other advanced features.
DX Summit
There are many sources for DX spots on the Internet. The site dxcluster.info has an extensive list of DX clusters with telnet access. DX Summit presents spots from all over the world using a web interface.